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Faculty Guidelines

Mandatory Reporting

The Office of the Registrar is charged with maintaining accurate records of class enrollment. Faculty Attendance Verification and Final Grade Reporting serve two important purposes. One purpose is to ensure that college records are accurate and complete and that faculty have reliable class lists on which to post student grades at the end of the term. The reporting may also trigger information about financial aid implications. The second purpose is to comply with state and federal regulations regarding financial assistance. All faculty are required to report attendance and final grades according to procedures and schedules defined by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Records Office. Each session, a memo is sent to all faculty from their department chair notifying them of the deadlines and procedures for reporting attendance and final grades.

Questions about these processes may be directed to your Chairperson or the Records Office at (386) 506-3876.

Attendance Verification

Attendance Verification is taken twice in the class session. Attendance dates and deadlines can be found on the academic calendar. The first attendance roster1 is taken after the add/drop date of your class and will require that the faculty indicate if the student is present or not. Only students who have been identified as not present and are coded under financial aid, will be dropped from the class. Attendance roster2 will occur after the withdraw deadline of the class. Those students who are identified as not attending (along with last date of attendance) will be issued an Administrative Withdraw (W1) for a final grade. Information about Attendance Verification can be found at

Early Alerts

Starting Fall 2023, Daytona State College will no longer be using Civitas Early Alerts. Instead, we have transitioned to TargetX Faculty Early Alerts. TargetX Faculty Early Alerts allows faculty members to identify students who may be struggling academically or personally and provide them with timely support. The software is integrated into our newly adopted Salesforce CRM, which provides a centralized platform for managing student data and interactions. To understand the best practices to complete alerts, please refer to the sections below. 

* For a more complete user guide, please use the following link to request view access: TargetX Faculty Alerts and Kudos.docx

Accessing TargetX

Faculty have two available methods to access TargetX. The first (1). is through an email during alerts windows and the second (2). is through a direct link. Both processes are outlined below.

  1. Instructors will receive reminder emails from TargetX (emails may arrive in spam/junk folders) 4 days and 1 day before the due date. By clicking "review now" in the body of the email a web browser will open leading directly to TargetX.
  • NOTE: Instructors can send alerts and kudos outside alert windows.


  1. Instructors can also access TargetX using the following link (
  • NOTE: If asked to login, instructors should always use "Log in with Daytona State ADFS" and their DSC credentials (email and password) to gain access. 

Dashboard Breakdown


  1. “Person” icon: the person icon lets a user sign out of TargetX.
  2. Search bar: instructors can type student names in the search field to narrow results.
  3. Due date: the due date for faculty alerts/kudos will change depending on the term.
    1. NOTE: Instructors can send alerts and kudos outside this due date.
  4. Selection box: allows instructors to select multiple students to bulk submit early alerts.
  5. Student name: all student names appear in bold.
  6. Course dropdown: this dropdown list allows instructors to toggle through their active courses.
  7. “Plus” icon: clicking the plus sign opens the alerts/kudos box.

Sending Alerts

Below are the basics of sending alerts (and/or kudos) to students. If instructors or faculty have questions, there is a more detailed guide available upon request. Please send requests and questions regarding best practices to Alexis.Ruiz@DaytonaState.Edu. For technical help, please email HelpDesk@DaytonaState.Edu.

  1. Click the "+" (plus) icon.

  1. A pop-up window will open. Select the submission type: alert or kudos (aka commendations).
  2. Now, select one (1) option to address for the student. 
  • NOTE: Each selection will send a separate email to the student. Choose one option from the list; instructors may address other topics in the comment box. 
  • NOTE 2: Highlighted options alert advisors.
  1. Write a comment addressing the selection (and other topics) of concern in detail.
  • NOTE: Instructors will want to format these with the student as the audience, since comments plug directly into an email template to the student. 
  • NOTE 2: TargetX does not give instructors the ability to leave notes for advisors or other faculty only. Students can see all comments. 
  1. To complete the process click the "submit" button. 

Submitting Final Grades

 All faculty are required to submit final grades no later than midnight on the last day of session. The Academic Calendar for each term indicates the date by which grades are due. Each semester, the Records Office will provide a memo including instructions and deadlines for grade submission to the Vice President of Academic Affairs/College Provost and to all Department Chairs, who will then forward it to all faculty via email.