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Continuing Contract and Promotion

Mentor Model System for Continuing Contract and Promotion

Welcome to the Mentor Model System

The Mentor Model System is the process used at Daytona State College to help faculty meet the criteria for awarding of Continuing Contract and for achieving promotion in rank.  It is both a developmental process and an evaluation framework that will help you reach your full potential as a member of the Daytona State College faculty.  The system was developed by the faculty of the college and is based on peer mentoring and evaluation.

This InfoGuide contains everything you need to know about how the system works and what you need to do.  However, there is a lot of information here and it can be daunting to try and absorb it all at one time.  The sections of this page will help you focus on the information you need, and the steps you need to take, depending on where you are in your career here at the college.  It is divided into three sections:

Section 1 – Newly Hired Faculty

You have just been hired at Daytona State College as a full-time faculty member, congratulations! Here is what you need know about the Mentor Model System and how to get started on the road to Continuing Contract and your first promotion.

Section 2 – Faculty Applying for Continuing Contract and / or Promotion

You are preparing to apply for Continuing Contract or promotion this coming Fall.  Here is what you need to do to prepare your application, organize your CO3 meeting, and what will happen to your application after you submit it.  

Section 3 – Faculty Recently Promoted

You have just received Continuing Contract and / or a promotion, congratulations!  What does this mean and what do you do next?

Section 1 - Newly Hired Faculty

Section 1 – Newly Hired Faculty 

Welcome to the college!  You probably have a thousand things you have to get done before your first semester starts and thinking about applying for Continuing Contract and / or promotion is probably the last thing on your mind.  First, don’t worry, you have some time to get acquainted with the system and to take the first steps.  At some point during your first semester, it would be a good idea to take a deep dive into this InfoGuide and look at the details of the system, but for now, let’s just review the main points.  

When you were hired, two important things took place.  You were appointed to a rank and you were awarded your first Annual Contract.  

Academic Rank at Daytona State College

The academic ranks are:

•    Instructor
•    Assistant Professor
•    Associate Professor
•    Professor
•    Senior Professor 
•    Professor Emeritus – only granted in retirement

Depending on your credentials and experience you may have been appointed as an Instructor, Assistant Professor, or Associate Professor.  You will have to serve 5 years in this rank before you are eligible for promotion to the next rank.  In practice this means that most faculty will apply for promotion in the fall of their 5th academic year.  For example, if you are hired in fall of 2020, you could apply for promotion in the fall of 2024.  This way, if you are promoted, your promotion would become effective July 1, 2025 at the end of your 5th year of service.  Notice the “could apply.”  Applying for promotion is completely voluntary. Once you reach the required number of years in service, you can wait to apply for promotion when you feel you are ready. 

Annual and Continuing Contracts

What is the difference between an Annual and Continuing Contract?  Basically, the Annual Contract is a one-year contract.  The college decides whether to renew this contract every year and may choose not to renew the contract without cause.  Continuing Contracts are automatically renewed each year until you decide to leave the college.  There are some exceptions to this automatic renewal. You can find more information in the State Board of Education Rules and College Policies. Continuing Contract is not tenure, but it does provide several protections that annual contracts do not.

Continuing Contract and Promotion are not the same thing.  They both use the Mentor Model but they are two separate decisions.  You can be awarded Continuing Contract without being promoted.  To be awarded Continuing Contract you are evaluated based on the requirements of your current rank.  To be promoted, you are evaluated on the criteria of the rank you are seeking.  One major difference between the two is that you must apply for Continuing Contract during the fall of your 5th year of service.  Please note that “year of service” means full academic year, July 1 – June 30th.  If you are hired in January, your first official year of service does not begin until July 1 of that year.  

Finding a Mentor

The first thing you need to do if find a Mentor.  Mentors are at the heart of the Mentor Model.  These are experienced faculty, usually within your department, who are there to guide you on the path to Continuing Contract and your next promotion.  Choosing a mentor is an important step and your chair will help you. Choosing your Mentor should be a joint decision between you, your mentor, and the chair. Remember, ideally you will be working with this colleague for the next five years.  

The Mentor Model Management Form

As part of the Mentor Model system for Continuing Contract & Promotion, all full-time faculty must have a copy of the Mentor Model Management form on file in their department at the start of their multi-year promotion process. The information on this form can be updated at any time, but should be reviewed annually during the faculty evaluation process. Any committee and specialization changes should be noted on this form prior to submitting the final application to the Continuing Contract and Promotion (CC&P) Committee. Faculty, Chairs, and CO3 Committee Members should maintain an updated copy of this document for their records. 

The Mentor Model Management Form replaces the Declaration form, which is still valid, and can be updated during the annual evaluation process. New faculty hired for the Fall 2022 semester should also sign a CC&P Acknowledge form, which will be part of the New Hire Packet from Human Resources. 

Once you have selected a Mentor, this person can help you fill out your Mentor Model Management Form.  In this document you will indicate when you plan to apply for Continuing Contract and / or promotion.  This document also serves to identify your Mentor. And finally, this document is where you choose your Secondary Areas of Responsibility.  Once completed, this form should be submitted to your chair.  

Primary and Secondary Areas of Responsibility

Your Primary Area of Responsibility is teaching and the professional development activities that support that teaching.  This seems obvious, but with the myriad of other activities and responsibilities that faculty are involved in, it is important never to lose focus on the mission of teaching and learning.  

The Secondary Areas of Responsibility are your opportunity to tailor your development at the college to your interests and passions.  The secondary areas include Service, Scholarship, and Pedagogy.  Service to the department and college is an expectation for all faculty members so at least 33% of your secondary areas must be service activities.  The other 66% is up to you.  For example, if you really enjoy research and publishing, your secondary areas may be 33% Service and 66% Scholarship.  This can help you focus your professional development during the promotional period and can also help justify professional development funding.  Your Mentor can be a great help in making these decisions as can your Departmental Matrix.  Your department Matrix provides examples of what appropriate activities for each of the secondary areas look like for each rank within your department. **If your department matrix needs to be updated, let your chair know.

Meet with Your Mentor

Once you have your Mentor and have turned in your Management Form, the only thing you need to do for the next couple of years is meet with your Mentor at least once a year (better once a semester) to make sure you are staying on track. You and your department chair will also review your contract status and update the Management Form as needed as part of your annual evaluation. 

The Chair Representative 

Two years out from your application date you should ask your chair to help you choose a Chair Representative.  This is another mentor who will look at your progress from the department perspective and will make up another member of your Committee of Three (CO3) who will ultimately be part of the final review for your promotion application.  This is a good time to review your secondary areas of responsibilities and make any adjustments.  For example, you may have found that you are really involved in college committee work and may want to update your Management Form with 66% Service and 33% Scholarship. Add your Chair Representative to your yearly (semesterly) meetings.  

After you’ve been with the college for 4 and a half years it is time to apply for Continuing Contract and / or your first promotion!  

Section 2 – Faculty Applying for Continuing Contract and / or Promotion

Section 2 –  Faculty Applying for Continuing Contract and / or Promotion

Whether this is your first time applying for Continuing Contract and promotion or you’ve done it before, it is the same process.  You will need to create the application document, turn it in by the deadline, and call a meeting of your Committee of Three to review your application.   

The Application 

The application has three parts and cannot exceed 12 total pages.  The parts are:

•    Part I Cover Letter 1-2 pages
•    Part II Curriculum Vita
•    Part III Summary Faculty Activity Report

For such a brief document, it can cause a great amount of anxiety.  It is important to understand the function of the application in the process.  It is not meant to be an exhaustive recap of your activities for the past 4 and a half years.  It is meant to highlight those activities that best demonstrate your achievements in your Primary and Secondary Responsibilities.  In the case of Continuing Contract, the expectation for these achievements is your current rank.  In the case of promotion, it is for the rank you are seeking.  For example, leadership is an expectation for the rank of Professor so your application should highlight leadership activities.  This is a time for quality over quantity.  Remember that you are being evaluated by your mentors, your chair, and your colleagues, all of whom should already be aware of your good work.  

You do not have to create the application in a vacuum.  You should meet early in the Fall with your mentors.  During the fall you will also be assigned the final member of your Committee of Three (CO3), a representative from the College Wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee.  Create a draft and share it with these colleagues.  

The Cover Letter for the application is usually the most difficult part of the Application to create.  You will find a list of tips for drafting your letter in this InfoGuide.   Don’t forget about the deadline!  Applications are usually due to the Chair of the College Wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee by the 1st of December, but the earlier you get your application submitted, the earlier you can formally meet with your CO3.

The Committee of Three Meeting

The Committee of Three (CO3) is comprised of:

•    Your Mentor
•    Your Department Chair Representative
•    An Assigned Member of the College Wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee

After you submit your Application, you are responsible for organizing a meeting with your CO3 where you will have a chance to elaborate on your Application and answer any questions the CO3 may have about it.  Please remember that during this meeting, CO3 members can request documentation for activities you have listed in your Application.  For example, if you said you were the keynote speaker at a conference, they may ask to see something documenting this activity such as a conference program.  If you’ve been meeting with your mentors regularly and have shown them drafts of your Application, they will already be very familiar with your application content.  CO3 members often report that applicants are hesitant to discuss their accomplishments in their Applications and these meetings are an opportunity to draw out and highlight additional evidence.   

After your meeting, members of the CO3 will create a report listing their recommendation and highlighting additional evidence that may have come from the meeting.  This will be passed on to the College Wide Committee and will be one of the documents they review.  

The Evaluation Process

There are 4 documents that are created in the this process and each serves a distinct role in creating a holistic view of each applicant.

•    The Application provides the opportunity for the faculty member to make their best case for Continuing Contract and / or promotion.

•    The Committee of Three Report provides input from the faculty member’s mentors and focuses primarily on the Secondary Areas of Responsibility.

•    The Chair’s Report provides input from the faculty member’s Chair and focuses on the Primary Area of Responsibility, teaching effectiveness and innovation, as well as service to the department.

•    The Department Vote provides input from the faculty member’s colleagues and focuses on collegiality and peer service.  

At the end of January, all four of these documents should be complete and are forwarded to the College Wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee.  This committee made up of faculty representatives from across the college.  The system was designed as a system of checks and balances, so that each faculty member is evaluated from multiple viewpoints and no one group, or person’s viewpoint outweighs the others.   The committee reviews and synthesizes all this input and makes their own recommendation.  All this information is then forwarded to the college administration.  Ultimately the Board of Trustees approves all Continuing Contracts and promotions.

What Happens When You Receive Continuing Contract?

When you receive Continuing Contract, your contract will automatically be renewed each July 1st until you decide to leave college service.  There are some exceptions to this automatic renewal and you should read the State Board of Education Rules and the relevant College Policies carefully. 

What Happens When You Are Denied Continuing Contract?

It is extremely rare that anyone is denied Continuing Contract.  However, if this does occur the faculty member may be granted an additional year of Annual Contract to correct any deficiencies.  This additional Annual Contract is granted at the discretion of the administration and the Board of Trustees.  There is no pay adjustment for Continuing Contract.

What Happens When You Are Promoted?

When you are promoted, your title will be changed in college organizational and directory information and you will receive a 6% increase to your base salary effective on your first paycheck after July 1st.  

What Happens When You Are Denied Promotion?

There is no penalty for not being promoted.  The process will provide you feedback and indicate areas where you may need to improve your performance.  You may re-apply for promotion as early as the next year or wait until you and your mentors feel you are better prepared.  

The Appeal Process

You can appeal a decision on Continuing Contract or promotion.  Please talk to the CC&P Committee Chair or your department leadership for more information. 

Section 3 - Faculty Recently Promoted

Section 3 – Faculty Recently Promoted

You’ve been promoted, congratulations!  You’ve successfully navigated the Mentor Model system and now it is time to begin the process for your next promotion.  

Review the Mentor Model Management Form

When you have been promoted, you will need to set a target date for your next promotion.  It is also a good time to make sure your Mentor can continue to serve for another 5 years and to re-evaluate your Secondary Areas of Responsibility. Maybe your Mentor will be retiring.  Maybe you’d like to move in a new direction with your development.  For example, if your next promotion will be for Professor, you may want to explore more leadership opportunities. The Management Form should be reviewed annually with your department chair as part of the annual evaluation process.

Timeline for Process

Timeline for Process

Here is a concise overview of the process for a newly hired faculty member.  This process is basically repeated for each successive promotion.

New Hire or First Year of 5 Year Promotion Process

  • Candidate signs a CC&P Acknowledgement Form (a new part of the New Faculty Orientation Process starting in Fall 2022)
  • Candidate and Chair work to appoint mentor for CO3 
  • Candidate determines areas of specialization
  • Candidate completes the Mentor Model Management Form (which replaces the Declaration of Intent Form) and files it with department chair
  • Candidate and mentor meet at least once to review goals

Year 2

  • Candidate and mentor meet at least once to review goals (Spring Planning)
  • Note: Faculty on Annual Contract must meet with their chair annually to evaluate their progress in the department.  The Activity Report can be used as a guide when discussing a faculty member’s progress.

Year 3

  • Candidate and Chair work to appoint chair designee for CO3
  • Candidate, mentor, and chair designee meet at least once to review candidate’s goals and, if applicable, progress (Spring Planning)

Year 4

  • Candidate, mentor, and chair designee meet at least once to review candidate’s progress (Spring Planning)

Year 5

  • CC&P Committee appoints third member of CO3 to each candidate’s committee
  • Candidates and CO3s meet to review progress.
  • Candidates submit their Application for Continuing Contract or Promotion by the deadline (usually December 1).
December / January:
  • CO3 interviews take place.
  • CO3 may request additional information.
  • Candidate responds to requests by CO3 for additional information.
  • CO3 sends recommendation is sent to the CC&P Committee by deadline (usually January 31).
  • Department Vote takes place (usually during Spring Planing).
  • School Chair sends recommendation the CC&P Committee by deadline (usually January 31).

February / March:
  • CC&P Committee reviews all candidate materials and may request additional materials or clarification from candidates.
  • All candidates for Continuing Contract should be completed by the end of February.
  • All candidates for Promotion should be completed by the end of March. 
  • CC& P recommendations submitted to Provost of Academic Affairs for review (Appeals Committee formed if required).
  • President Reviews all recommendations and forwards to Board of Trustees for final approval.
  • Board of Trustees  grants final approval
May / April 
  • Candidate informed by Human Resources.