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Journal of Florida Studies
the only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library

Why Use a Library?

Why use a library?  The two main reasons are quality control and professional help

But what else? Why not just use Google Scholar? Well, DSC Library has top-notch stuff you won't always find online for free! Our databases have high-quality information that search engines and generative AI (like ChatGPT) don't even have access to. If you need more help with finding reliable information, check out our InfoGuide on the subject! But back to the topic at hand-

Our library! (and librarians!)

Our librarians are like wizards at finding what you need- helping you tweak your research topic and crush those databases with each search filter! Plus, besides the digital goodies, we've got real books and manuscripts too. Need a chill spot to study? The library's got you covered with a study room, perfect for deep dives into your research. Would you rather work as a group? We have big tables made exactly for collaboration too!  And guess what? If you ever get stuck on anything, it's right next to the Academic Support Center and Writing Center, so you're covered for all your academic needs.

Using the library's resources keeps you in the clear with copyright laws too. On top of all this, engaging with all this library goodness is like a crash course in critical thinking and independent learning. So, dive in and make the most of it!

So if you want the quickest and most efficient way to find reliable information, use your library today!