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Continuing Contract and Promotion

Application Process Overview

Application Process Overview

The Continuing Contract and Promotion Procedure defines a process to report on individual effectiveness in one’s primary responsibility, teaching, and secondary responsibilities, such as service, pedagogy and scholarship. It offers an opportunity for self-reflection, planning, and evaluation, facilitated by ongoing mentoring, and culminating in an interview with colleagues who have the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of the candidate’s work.  

New Hire or First Year of 5 Year Promotion Process

  • Candidate and Chair work to appoint mentor for CO3
  • Candidate determines areas of specialization
  • Candidate completes a Mentor Model Management Form
  • Candidate and mentor meet at least once to review goals
  • Candidate reviews Mentor Model Management Form with department chair

Year 2

  • Candidate and mentor meet at least once to review goals (Spring Planning)
  • Note: Faculty on Annual Contract must meet with their chair annually to evaluate their progress in the department.  The Activity Report can be used as a guide when discussing a faculty member’s progress.

Year 3

  • Candidate and Chair work to appoint chair designee for CO3
  • Candidate, mentor, and chair designee meet at least once to review candidate’s goals and, if applicable, progress (Spring Planning)

Year 4

  • Candidate, mentor, and chair designee meet at least once to review candidate’s progress (Spring Planning)

Year 5

  • Attend the Mentor Model/CC&P Workshop during Fall Planning
  • Submit an updated copy of the Mentor Model Management Form to the CC&P Committee by September 15th
  • CC&P Committee appoints third member of CO3 to each candidate’s committee
  • Candidates and CO3s meet to review progress
  • Candidates submit their Application for Continuing Contract or Promotion by the deadline (usually December 1)
December / January:
  • CO3 interviews take place.
  • CO3 may request additional information.
  • Candidate responds to requests by CO3 for additional information.
  • CO3 sends recommendation is sent to the CC&P Committee by deadline (usually January 31).
  • Department Vote takes place (usually during Spring Planing).
  • School Chair sends recommendation the CC&P Committee by deadline (usually January 31).

February / March:
  • CC&P Committee reviews all candidate materials and may request additional materials or clarification from candidates.
  • All candidates for Continuing Contract should be completed by the end of February.
  • All candidates for Promotion should be completed by the end of March. 
  • CC& P recommendations submitted to Provost of Academic Affairs for review (Appeals Committee formed if required).
  • President Reviews all recommendations and forwards to Board of Trustees for final approval.
  • Board of Trustees  grants final approval
May / April 
  • Candidate informed by Human Resources.

Choosing a Mentor

Choosing a Mentor

The first member of the Committee of Three (CO3), the mentor, is chosen during the first year of a faculty member’s candidacy. The candidate should nominate three possible committee members from among the continuing contract faculty of the candidate’s own department. The chair may not be nominated. Nominees may be selected from other departments when chairs of those departments approve. Candidates may nominate faculty members who have already served on a CO3 at a previous stage in the candidate’s career. The chair selects one of the faculty members nominated by the candidate and this person becomes the first member of the CO3.

Selecting Areas of Specialization

Selecting Areas of Specialization

All faculty must fulfill their primary responsibility in a satisfactory manner. Specialization allows for choices to be made in our secondary responsibilities; those interested in professional development have the opportunity to also direct their energies toward pedagogy (e.g. Master Faculty) and/or scholarship (e.g. contribution to our fields), or additional service.

Specializing within secondary responsibilities allows for faculty to choose between additional Service, Pedagogy, and/or Scholarship. These can be mixed and matched in several ways. The definitions of and the minimum suggested benchmarks for fulfilling each of these areas are explained below. Each department has created a matrix to meet the unique need of its department. The matrix should be shared with the CC&P Committee when updated so they are aware of what to consider. 

100% Service

66% Service and 33% Pedagogy or Scholarship

33% Service and 66% Pedagogy or Scholarship

33% Service and 33% Pedagogy and 33% Scholarship

An area of specialization will be declared when a faculty member submits a Mentor Model Management Form for continuing contract or promotion to the department chair.  However, the area of specialization may be modified at a later time with the approval of the CO3 and the Chair via the submission of an updated Management Form.

Declaring Candidacy

Declaring Candidacy 

During a faculty member's first year of employment, or when a faculty member with Continuing Contract is ready to seek promotion, he/she will complete a Mentor Model Management Form. This form indicates the faculty member's intention to seek continuing contract or promotions and will define the faculty member's Area(s) of Specialization. Once a faculty member is granted continuing contract, he/she is not required to seek further promotion. The Management Form should be reviewed annually as part of the evaluation process with the department chair. 

Candidate Assigned a Chair Representative

Candidate Assigned a Chair Representative

A second member of the CO3 is chosen two years before the candidate applies for promotion. The chair of the candidate’s department nominates three faculty members who hold continuing contract and emails these names to the candidate, the candidate selects one to serve as the chair’s representative on the CO3.

The primary role of this mentor is to make sure the candidate's activities are aligning with the Department Matrix and supporting the needs of the department.  They should be included in the annual meeting with the Mentor.   

Candidate Assigned a CC&P Committee Member

Candidate Assigned CC&P Committee Member

The final member of the CO3 is assigned by the chair of the CC&P Committee. This assignment occurs at the start of the academic year during which the candidate applies for continuing contract or promotion. Except under extraordinary circumstances, a faculty member should not serve simultaneously on more than three (3) CO3s.

The primary role of this mentor is to provide an objective overview of the candidate's activities and help prioritize those which would best support the application for Continuing Contract and / or promotion.  This is also the person who will be presenting the CO3's recommendation to the CC&P Committee for discussion. 

Submitting the Application

Submitting the Application

The application is the document submitted in the fall of the academic year in which a faculty member seeks continuing contract or applies for promotion (the final year of the 5 year process).

Use of the Application

  • To determine continuing contract. Faculty members on annual contract must submit an application in the fall of the year they are seeking continuing contract.
  • To determine promotion. Only faculty members on continuing contract who wish to apply for a promotion need to submit the application.
  • To improve individual performance by allowing candidates to summarize and communicate their key work as a member of Daytona State’s faculty.
  • To provide a structure for goal setting and planning.
  • To present an overview of work in primary and secondary responsibilities.
  • To provide the CO3 a point of reference for reviewing and interviewing the candidate.
  • To provide the department and candidate’s chair an overview of the candidate’s work.
  • To provide the College-wide Promotion and Continuing Contract Committee an overview of the candidate’s work and a starting point for review of disputed applications, if necessary.

Contents of the Application

  • Cover letter. A one- to two-page letter from candidates addressed to those reviewing their application that points out what the candidates believe are the key reasons they should be granted continuing contract or promotion in relation to their primary responsibilities (teaching, librarianship, counseling, etc.) and the area(s) of specialization chosen for secondary responsibilities.
  • C.V. A summary of the faculty member’s accomplishments, akin to what is generally used by professors nationally and is kept updated with HR every year.
  • Summary Faculty Activity Report. A collection of all pertinent reports from each year’s FAR under consideration for continuing contract/promotion, pared down to the key accomplishments as necessary to stay within the 10-page limit for CV and FAR combined.

Format of the Application (not to exceed 12 pages)

  • Part I Cover Letter 1-2 pages
  • Part II Curriculum Vita
  • Part III Summary Faculty Activity Report

Department Matrix

In 2022, Faculty Senate voted to include an applicant's Department Matrix as an attachment to the application being submitted. Applicants can find their Department Matrix in the CC&P InfoGuide. Applicants should include their Department Matrix as an additional attachment. They should not add the matrix to their application document.  

Frequency of Application Submissions

  • Faculty members on annual contracts will be required to submit their application in the fall of the year in which they are seeking continuing contract.
  • Faculty members on continuing contract wishing to seek promotion need to submit an application in the fall of the year in which they are seeking promotion.

Record Keeping

It is the responsibility of faculty members to keep documentation of all accomplishments listed in the application for review as requested during the continuing contract and promotion application process.  A copy of the Mentor Model Management Form will be maintained by the faculty member, the Chair or supervisor of their department, and the Chair of the Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee.

Evaluation of the Application

Each candidate’s department chair and mentor will provide the faculty member with appropriate advice and commentary on the application progress each year. Each member of the CO3 is responsible for assisting and advising the candidate on appropriate progress. In the candidate’s evaluation year, the application will be evaluated according to the faculty member’s overall teaching effectiveness, accomplishment in area(s) of specialization, and the Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion to Academic Ranks.  This review will be conducted by the CO3 (in conjunction with the interview), the candidate’s department, the candidate’s chair, and the College-wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee, all of which will make recommendations.

Evaluation for Faculty Seeking Continuing Contract

  • Faculty members on annual contract must meet with their chair annually to evaluate their progress in the department.  The Activity Report can be used as a guide when discussing the faculty member’s progress. To achieve continuing contract, faculty members must demonstrate performance consistent with the rank for which they were hired.
  • When faculty members apply for continuing contract, they will submit the application to their CO3, their school/department, their Chair, and the college-wide Continuing Contract and Promotion Committee.
  • Faculty members on annual contract generally receive continuing contract by the end of the fifth year of employment. However, the Chair, Committee of Three or CC&P Committee, with the approval of the Vice-President of Academic Affairs, may recommend a sixth year on annual contract.

Deadline for Submission of Application

Each year, the Chair of the CC&P Committee will determine and communicate to all faculty the deadline for submitting the Application.  Generally, this deadline is the 1st of December.  No Applications will be accepted after the deadline without the approval of the Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Scheduling the CO3 Interview

Scheduling the CO3 Interview

It is the responsibility of the faculty member who is applying for Continuing Contract or promotion to schedule the formal interview with his or her CO3.  This interview can take place anytime after the candidate has formally submitted his or her application.  The CO3 Interview must take place before the published deadline which is usually the end of January.  This interview will include a discussion of the candidate’s work and a vote on whether to support the candidate or not. Additional information or documentation of activities may be requested from the candidate prior to the CO3 vote. Candidates must be granted a minimum of forty-eight hours to satisfy a CO3 request, and additional time may be granted by the CO3 as long as time permits a vote no later than the published deadline.