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Faculty Guidelines


Daytona State College has a number of procedures related to travel. They outline requirements for the approval of in-district, out-of-district, and out-of-country travel, field trips with students, and reimbursement.

It is every employee’s responsibility to become familiar with and comply with all travel procedures. Discuss your plans with your Department Chair or supervisor prior to traveling. Failure to follow appropriate procedures could result in a cancelation of the travel, ineligibility for reimbursement, and/or absence without leave.

Procedures for travel include:

  • Global Education Programs, Procedure 402(c)
  • Faculty-Staff Exchange, Procedure 403
  • Mileage for Off-Campus Instructional Assignments, Procedure 503(i)
  • Travel: Use of Rental Cars, Procedure 503(j)
  • Travel Reimbursement for Students Representing the College on Official Business, Procedure 503(k)
  • Travel: Use of College Vehicles, Procedure 503(m)
  • Travel Authorization/Reimbursement for the President, Employees, Board Members and Other Authorized Persons, Procedure 503(n)
  • Temporary Duty, Procedure 621(c)
  • Students Representing the College at Off-Campus Activities, Procedure 704(e)
  • Safety (College Vehicles), Procedure 809(a)
  • Field Trip Release, Procedure 809(b)

To access all the procedures in full, refer to the Document Repository in SharePoint, or access via these steps:

  1. Go to MyDaytonaState and select Falcon Self-Service.
  2. Login using your college credentials and ensure you are on the Employee homepage.
  3. Select the Document Repository tile ⇒ Departments ⇒ President's Office ⇒ College Procedures.

Link to Document Repository: How to Book an Avis or Budget Car Rental

NOTE: Travel & Expense Training must be completed to have access to travel authorization and expense reports.  All travel and expense reports are to be completed in PeopleSoft.


The following definitions are found in Procedure 503(n):

  • In-District travel is travel within Volusia and Flagler counties.
  • Out-of-District travel is travel outside of Volusia and Flagler counties.
  • Out-of-Country travel is travel outside the 50 states of the United States.

Field Trips

College Procedure 809(b) outlines requirements for faculty sponsoring field trips.



To provide information to faculty members planning to sponsor a field trip for students.


In order to sponsor a field trip, the faculty member must complete the following steps:

A. Complete the Field Trip Proposal form and submit the proposal to the department chairperson and appropriate campus or instructional administrator for approval. This proposal should be submitted three (3) weeks prior to the proposed date. Out of district travel will require approval by the Board.

B. Complete an application for leave form and request for temporary duty leave.

C. If a College vehicle is to be used, complete the vehicle reservation form to reserve a College vehicle. This form should be submitted to the Facilities Services Department prior to the field trip.

D. A roster of students and faculty participating in the field trip should be left with the department chairperson, Campus Safety and Facilities Services (if using a College Vehicle). The student release form must be completed by each student and submitted to Campus Safety along with the roster.

The rest of the procedure reproduces the two forms required in steps A and D. The forms can be found by following the steps below.

  1. Go to MyDaytonaState and select Falcon Self-Service.
  2. Login using your college credentials and ensure you are on the Employee homepage.
  3. Select the Document Repository tile ⇒ Departments ⇒ Accounting ⇒ Travel-Expenses

Out-of-Country Travel

When representing the College in out-of-country travel, proper forms must be submitted in advance to make the board agenda. Travel must be approved by the President and the Board before the date of departure. Refer to Procedure 503(n).