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Faculty Guidelines

Quanta-Honors College

Daytona State's Quanta-Honors College is a learning community designed to offer an alternative to regular college classes for highly motivated students who value academic achievement and want the competitive advantage that an honors degree provides.

In Quanta-Honors, you will take many of your general education courses in learning community clusters (you'll still be able to take electives and pre-major courses outside of Quanta-Honors). Each cluster is made up of two or three courses which are integrated around a theme. Recent themes have included "Monsters," "Radical Communities," "Plastic Paradise," "Myth and the Hero's Journey," and "Original Research Edition." 

The classes are challenging, but you'll have a lot of support to make sure that you do well. You'll have three professors in the classroom every day, and also dedicated tutors and librarians. You'll do much of your work in small groups and will have plenty of time to discuss, explore new ideas and apply these ideas to real-world problems.

Why Do Students Choose Quanta-Honors College For Their Associate Degree?

Students tell us that they like the classes because they are participatory – we discuss rather than lecture. They like that we value thinking outside the box and challenging the conventional wisdom. And there are some awesome perks:

  • We use laptops and tablets in the classroom, and nearly all course materials are provided electronically at no cost.
  • You'll get a scholarship from Daytona State equivalent to ten percent of your in-state tuition each semester. To keep it, you just have to maintain a grade point average of 3.2.
  • We have a dedicated classroom with a student lounge and computers just for your use.
  • We help you figure out where to transfer for your bachelor's degree and help you decide on a major.
  • We have transfer agreements with Stetson University and the University of Central Florida that give you automatic admission to study for your bachelor's degree. If you choose the Stetson option, you'll get a financial aid package that covers all of your tuition and fees. Yes, all.

Are you Eligible to Join?

Quanta-Honors is for any student who wants to be an honors student! Some students join the program having already participated in previous high school or other honors programs; other students are first-timers. We think success comes from hard work and dedication, and we welcome students who are eager to add “honors” to their accomplishments for the first time. We also welcome students from diverse backgrounds. Non-traditional? Veteran? Parent? Traditional college student? No matter your background, please apply!

Graduating With A Quanta-Honors College Degree

In addition to your class work in the Quanta Honors college program, you need to complete the following requirements in order to graduate with an Honors degree:

  • Complete sixty hours of service learning in the community during the two years it will take you to finish your A.A. degree. We'll have volunteer opportunities available for you or you can propose something that is particularly interesting to you. You'll also write an essay reflecting on your experience.
  • Complete a final research project in an academic area of interest to you during the Honors Seminar.
  • Graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.2.