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Faculty Guidelines

Purpose & Charge

The Planning Council is an integral part of the Institutional Effectiveness process at Daytona State College. It provides oversight, guidance and resources for planning, assessment and evaluation activities for both academic and non‐academic programs. The Planning Council supports the College’s commitment to establish institutional effectiveness as ongoing and integrated, it reinforces the College’s emphasis on quality programs and services, and it builds a culture of continuous improvement and informed decision‐making. It serves as the point of consensus in a participatory process that identifies and analyzes issues of significance to the college community and develops recommended solutions or actions.


Planning Council members are appointed by the President to serve a two‐year term. Faculty members comprise at least half of the Council and provide a varied representation of schools and campuses. The head of each employee constituent group serves on the Council and the president of the Student Government Association participates as the student representative. Administrators, professional and career employees each have representatives in addition to their constituent heads. Members may self-nominate or be recommended by the Faculty Senate, another employee constituent group, or the Senior Executive Staff. Members may be re‐appointed, but it is expected that there will be opportunities for new appointees each year.


The Planning Council is supported by the work of six standing sub-committees. Standing sub-committees provide proposals for new initiatives, recommendations for outcomes and strategies which improve student success, embrace excellence, foster innovation, and enhance teaching and learning and other information that might be useful to the Planning Council for informed decision‐making. At least two co-chairs are appointed annually by the President to lead each sub-committee. Sub-committee members are recommended by the Planning Council or Sub-committees co-chairs and confirmed and appointed by the President. Co-chairs and sub-committee members may be re-appointed, but it is expected that there will be opportunities for new appointees each year. Co-chairs and sub-committee members do not have to be members of the Planning Council itself. Ad hoc committees may be convened to accomplish a specific task or study a specific issue to see what opportunities the College may have to enhance student learning or improve operational effectiveness.

Planning Council Sub-Committees: 

Academic Success Evaluates strengths and challenges, identifies opportunities, and provides recommendations for improving learning outcomes assessment at the course, program and institutional level. Analysis is based on outcomes data and information provided to the committee by the academic assessment teams (vocational, associate of science, associate of arts, and baccalaureate).
Administrative Unit Review Provides an opportunity to evaluate administrative unit productivity, staffing, and cost effectiveness and make recommendations for improvements. Analysis is based on data and information gathered over a three-year period.
Falcon Ideas Provides proactive support and recognition for the development of innovative ideas from the college community that further the mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities of the college.
Institutional Success

Assesses the planning efficacy of non-academic planning units. Reviews mission, outcomes, strategies and performance targets of each unit and makes recommendations for improvement. Analysis is based on reports submitted as part of the unit planning process.

Instructional Program Review Evaluates academic programs by reviewing their strengths and challenges, identifying opportunities and providing recommendations for improvement. Analysis is based on data and information spanning a three‐year period.
Teaching and Learning Provides review, oversight, and approval of changes to or termination of existing programs and implementation of new programs. Reviews and recommends changes to faculty credentialing requirements and faculty responsibilities. Evaluates policies and procedures related to student learning and academic programs and recommends changes to enhance efficiency and outcomes. Identifies best practices and innovations to enhance the teaching and learning process.


The Planning Council sub-committees provide a framework of accountability for the College’s planning, assessment and evaluation processes.

  • Provide support and guidance for developing and implementing a strategic plan.
  • Ensure that program and unit activities link to the college mission and strategic plan.
  • Provide a forum for institution-wide discussion regarding college issues.
  • Make recommendations for resource allocations to support improvement initiatives.
  • Provide assessment and evaluation reports to the Planning Council and Senior Executive Staff.
  • Ensure that achievements, results and use of results are documented and communicated.
  • Provide a mechanism for disseminating important information, generating input, and promoting more open communication leading to understanding and consensus.
  • Serve as an opportunity for employee leadership, participation and involvement.