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Faculty Guidelines

Counseling & Accessibility Services

The Counseling & Accessibility Services Office (CAS) provides a variety of academic support services, auxiliary aids, and accommodations for students with disabilities. Auxiliary aids include readers, note takers, scribes and interpreters. In addition, CAS provides an adaptive computer lab, with adaptive software and hardware. In order to receive services, students must voluntarily self‐ identify with CAS, provide written verification of disability from a qualified medical doctor licensed to make a disability diagnosis and meet with a CAS Advisor to discuss appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Please note that Daytona State College does not test for, or diagnosis, any type of disabilities (including learning disabilities). CAS services may include the following accommodations:

  • Assistive Technology Computer Software
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Alternative Classroom Testing
  • Academic & Career Advising
  • Readers, Note Takers & Scribes
  • Sign Language Interpreters 
  • Reduced Distraction Testing Rooms in CAS
  • Tape Recorders
  • Large Print Material

Students are not required to self‐identify with CAS or College staff if they do not request academic support services or accommodations based on a disability. The right to decide whether and when to request accommodations is strictly up to the student. Disability information is confidential and is not subject to the FERPA or the Buckley Amendment, because the federal and state governments consider medical information not open to the general public and not subject to free access. Daytona State College will not release information such as the services or accommodations provided to students with disabilities unless written authorization is obtained from the student in compliance with federal and state privacy laws. For more information, you may check out the Counseling & Accessibility Services website.

Please note that the CAS Office does not provide personal services, such as transportation to and from campus, personal items, personal devices, and/or personal care attendants. The CAS Office is authorized to provide academic support and not social work services. The CAS Office staff may provide information about other available resources within the community.

Emergency Procedures

Guidelines for emergency evacuation exist with the Daytona State College Campus Safety office. Faculty are encouraged to assist students with disabilities during emergency situations. However, it is advisable for those students with disabilities to be aware of the college’s emergency procedures and to be aware of emergency evacuation routes. To review the procedures, visit the Campus Safety Emergency Response website.

CAS Adaptive Computer Lab

The CAS computer lab offers students an opportunity to use adaptive equipment or computer technology to complete exams or assignments. Additionally, some equipment is also located in the Academic Support Center, Library, and other computer labs throughout the college at all campus locations. The following equipment is available:

  • Open Book Software – Scans printed documents into a computer which can be provided by voice output (JAWS) or enlarged (MAGIC)
  • JAWS Software – Software that when used with a speech synthesizer and screen reader, reads the screen
  • MAGIC – Magnifies type on a computer screen
  • CCTV – Closed circuit television allows those with visual impairments to read newspapers, hand‐written documents and books
  • Electronic Speaking Dictionaries and Portable Tape Players
  • Assistive Listening Device – A small device that consists of a transmitter and receiver. This device allows a student who is hard of hearing to wear a receiver, which is connected to a FM transmitter that the instructor wears. This allows for the instructor’s voice to go directly to the student’s hearing aid/device.
  • Dragon Dictate software – Speech input for those students with physical disabilities
  • Live Scribe Pen (take notes and record lectures)
  • Handheld Electronic Magnifier Computer Mouse.

Who Are Individuals With Disabilities?

Legal Reference: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as it relates to Higher Education.

According to Section 504 and the ADA, a person with a disability is anyone with a physical or mental impairment, or who has a documented history of such impairment. The disability must substantially impair one or more of a person’s major life activities; for example, caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.

The term "physical or mental impairment" includes, but is not limited to, speech, hearing, visual and mobility impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS, intellectual disability, psychological and psychiatric disabilities, learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/HD). Temporary conditions and impairments are not covered under Section 504 or ADA.

Some individuals may present documentation of a disability or a history of a disability and therefore are entitled to protection from discrimination, yet they may not have any current substantial limitation that requires academic accommodation. For this reason, Counseling & Accessibility Services will not provide accommodations to all students with a disabling condition or impairment.

Does The ADA Cover Students At Postsecondary Institutions?

Yes. Postsecondary institutions that receive federal funds already comply with a similar non‐discrimination law: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The ADA upholds and extends the standards for compliance set forth in Section 504. Colleges are primarily concerned with Title I and Title II. The ADA extended coverage to the employers, public/private institutions and service providers who were not covered under Section 504, because they did not receive Federal revenue sharing or federal financial assistance funds.

What Are Reasonable Accommodations & Equal Access To Education?

According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as it relates to higher education, reasonable accommodations are guaranteed for “otherwise qualified” students with documented disabilities that have a substantial limitation to a major life function. The purpose of accommodations is to provide equal access to educational opportunities. Daytona State College does not guarantee equal results or success. To be “otherwise qualified”, students must be able to meet the academic and technical standards of the institution, either with, or without an accommodation.

Examples of reasonable accommodations for college students are readers, test accommodations, use of adaptive technology, note takers, tape recorded lectures, copies of class notes or PowerPoint presentations, sign language interpreters, scribes, extended testing times, use of adaptive equipment, and reduced distraction testing rooms.

Policy & Procedures For Requesting Accommodations

  1. Students with disabilities who request accommodations or services must provide written verification of their disability from a qualified licensed medical professional.
  2. Students who requests accommodations or services are required to meet with a Counseling & Accessibility Services Advisor each semester to discuss requested accommodations.
  3. The CAS Advisor will meet with the student and determine the appropriate reasonable accommodations on a case‐ by‐case basis each semester.

The CAS Advisors will also request that Faculty respond to confidential progress reports and meeting requests to help monitor students’ academic progress and offer appropriate intervention if necessary.


(a) Alternative Testing Site/Accommodations in the CAS Office

Unless another option is authorized by the instructor, students must take the exam the same day and time that it is administered to the class. The CAS Office on the Daytona Campus has reduced distraction testing rooms available to students by appointment on a first come first serve basis. Students who need to use adaptive equipment or need extended time for exams must make testing arrangements with their instructors prior to scheduling the testing rooms.

(b) CAS Test Administration Procedure
  • In order for the CAS staff to administer exams, an instructor testing form must be attached to all exams. In an effort to maintain integrity of all exams, exams without instructor forms will not be accepted by the CAS Office staff.
  • The information required for each exam is: the student’s name, instructor name, course section, date to administer the exam, time allowed, authorized adaptive/assistive equipment and any other special instructions.
  • Exams must be delivered by Faculty or their designee to the CAS Office in advance of the test day. All exams delivered to the CAS Office will be maintained in a secured file cabinet.
  • Faculty must deliver and pick up their exams or authorize their department designee or Department Chair to act on their behalf. It is important to note that the student taking the exam should not have access to the exam or should not be given the exam to deliver or pick up from the CAS Office.

(c) Other Accommodations for Exams
  1. Extended test time
    1. Extended time allows students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, and to minimize the impact of the limitations of their disability. Usually time and one‐half or double time is sufficient. Please contact the CAS Advisor regarding special time extended requests.
  2. Talking Calculators & Dictionaries
    1. These devices allow students with visual or reading disabilities access to calculators or to electronic dictionaries. Not everyone with a learning disability is entitled to use a speller or dictionary. The confidential accommodation letter will outline whether the student is eligible to receive this accommodation.
  3. Moving a class to an accessible location
    1. All College classrooms and labs must be accessible for students with disabilities. If you are holding a class or lab in an inaccessible location, and you have a student with a physical disability enrolled in your class, then you will need to contact your Department Chair to move the class to an accessible appropriate location. Be aware that some students with visual impairments may need to use adaptive equipment or service animals. Field trips and off‐campus activities should be planned with accessibility for all students in mind.


(a) Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may have language‐based deficiencies, such as poor vocabulary and spelling, poor syntax, and difficulty understanding abstract concepts. Some students may wear a hearing aid or assistive listening devices. Hearing aids amply all sounds; therefore, those with hearing aids may not hear sounds the same way that others do. Students who use hearing aids also usually rely on lip‐reading, although even highly skilled lip‐readers can at best only comprehend approximately 50% of what is said.

Deaf students may be authorized by the CAS Office to use a Sign Language Interpreter. Interpreters are employed by the CAS Office and are assigned to students to attend classes. The Interpreter should be located in the front of the class near the student and the Instructor so the deaf student can watch both the Instructor and Interpreter. Interpreters who are certified follow a strict Code of Ethics that is established by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Interpreters transliterate everything that is being said and are there to facilitate communication. Instructors should speak directly to the student, not to the Interpreter.

Some students who are deaf or hearing‐impaired can speak, and others rely on sign language only as the primary method of communication. Writing notes is an acceptable means of communication with a deaf student if an Interpreter is not present.

Classroom Accommodation Suggestions for Deaf Students:

  • Front row seating for the student and Interpreter.
  • Instructor should face the class during lectures.
  • Do not block the view of the sign language interpreter.
  • Be mindful that there is a “lag time” between the transliterations of speech to sign language.
  • Repeat specific questions that are asked by the class.
  • Written or computer based assignments are very helpful when possible
  • Write technical or unfamiliar vocabulary on the board or show on an overhead.
  • Video tapes used in class must be closed captioned or have a transcript available.
  • Allow an Interpreter to be used to assist deaf students for exams when possible.
  • Speak clearly and distinctly but do not shout.
  • Keep your hands or other items from the view of your mouth.
  • Be aware of appropriate lighting and/or shadows in the classroom.

(b) Students with Learning Disabilities

A Learning Disability is a disorder that affects the manner in which students who take in, express, retain, understand, or use concepts. It is a disorder of the central nervous system. Learning disabilities are often inconsistent. It may cause difficulty one day, but not the next. Students may have difficulty in elementary school, and yet excel in high school, and then have difficulty again in college. Students may only have difficulty in one area, such as language or math. Some students are only first identified as having a learning disability during college or postgraduate work.

A learning disorder may manifest in one or more of the following areas:

  • Reasoning Ability
  • Written Language
  • Oral expression
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Calculation
  • Integrating Information
  • Attention
  • Visual Perceptual
  • Processing Information Memory
  • Retention Communication
  • Spelling
  • Social Competence
  • Emotional Maturity

A Learning Disability is NOT:

  • Due to emotional reasons
  • Due to lack of adequate education
  • Due to mental illness
  • Due to environmental conditions

Classroom Accommodation Suggestions for Students with Learning Disabilities:

  • Use multi‐media and PowerPoint presentations when possible.
  • Provide a chapter and lecture outline to the student when possible.
  • Note takers and tape recording of lectures may be helpful when possible.
  • Extended time is usually very helpful for exams.
  • Oral or tape recorded exams may be needed.
  • Some students are not able to use scantrons, allow them to mark on the exam.
  • A quiet private testing location is helpful for some students.
  • Some students may need an early critique of a class project or written assignment.
  • Make your class syllabus available on the first day of class or online when possible.

(c) Students with Mobility Disabilities

Students may have a variety of conditions that impair their physical mobility. These disabilities could be the result of an accident, illness, injury, or congenital in nature. They may include conditions such as spinal cord injury, Spina Bifida, muscular dystrophy, amputation, cystic fibrosis, cardiac conditions, cerebral palsy, later stages of AIDS, stroke, polio or post‐polio syndrome, and traumatic brain (head) injury. Some students may need early access to the classroom and others may need allowance for front row seating, special chairs, or adjustable desks.

Classroom Accommodation Suggestions for Students with Mobility Disabilities:

  • Allow some flexibility if students arrive late to class occasionally.
  • It may also be helpful for students to schedule classes that are physically close together on campus.
  • Some students may need a note taker, scribe, or lab partner to assist them with assignments, experiments, or required activities conducted in the class.
  • Extra time may be needed for writing assignments, in‐class assignments, and exams.

If you encounter a student with mobility impairment, simply privately offer your assistance but do not insist.

If you encounter a student with a prosthetic arm, leg, or hand, and you wish to give them something, offer it in a normal fashion and ask if you can be of assistance.

(d) Students with Psychological Disabilities

Mental illness is a widespread and debilitating disorder that affects more than 41 million people in the United States, according to the American Council on Education. Mental illness is an “invisible disease,” in which the patients themselves may be blamed for their illness and therefore ostracized from the mainstream of life. Many people can recover, and with medication, live fully functioning lives.

The term, “psychological disabilities” covers a range of conditions and may include mood disorders, such as depression, dysthymia, major depression, bipolar disorders, and ADHD. Anxiety disorders include panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive‐compulsive disorder and post‐traumatic stress disorder. Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders are types of psychotic disorders.

The greatest problem may be the stigma or misconceptions about the disorder. However, most students with a psychological disorder are not disruptive. Because of the student’s perceived vulnerability, staff or faculty may have difficulty asking the student to set limits of acceptable behavior. While students are entitled to academic accommodations and support, this does not release them from the responsibility of having to meet college standards and policies for acceptable behavior.

If you experience classroom behavioral problems that are a concern when teaching or interacting with students, then consider the following questions:

  • “How would I resolve this problem if the student did not have a disability?
  • “Is the student exhibiting behaviors that would be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the most recent Student Handbook?”

You may refer students to a Counseling & Accessibility Advisor if you have concerns about their psychological well‐being. You may also refer students to the Campus Safety Office if you perceive them to be a threat to yourself or others.

Classroom Accommodation Suggestions for Students with Psychological Disabilities:

  • A note taker or taping lectures may be needed.
  • A quiet private place to take exams may be needed and very helpful.
  • Students taking certain medication may need to bring a beverage and small snack to class.
  • Classroom instructions may need to be in written form or verbally repeated.
  • Consider allowing alternate or make‐up exams when possible.
  • Consider setting specific limits and describe your expectations for acceptable classroom behavior in your course syllabus.

(e) Students with Visual Disabilities

There are many types of visual impairments that individuals may have. A person is considered legally blind if their vision cannot be corrected to better than 20/200, or when vision is limited to a narrow field of less than 20 degrees. To have a visual impairment, one must have vision in one eye that cannot be corrected to better than 20/70, or have a progressive loss of vision, or not have any peripheral vision.

The student may appear to get around well without assistance, yet that does not mean they do not need classroom accommodations. It is estimated that approximately 80% of legally blind individuals may have some useful vision or light perception. Only a small percentage of blind students read Braille, as some individuals lost their vision at later ages, or due to diabetes leading to poor circulation has reduced sensation in the fingertips. Braille books are often difficult to find, create storage problems and are not very convenient for some students. Most students rely on taped books or e‐text books.

Classroom Accommodation Suggestions for Students with Visual Disabilities:

  • Provide reading lists and/or course information online when possible.
  • Provide handouts, exams and power point presentations on disk and large print.
  • Reduce classroom noise and face the class when speaking to enhance hearing and use specific terms such as turn north, south, etc.
  • Students may need front row seating, a scribe and/or lab partner to assist them in classes.
  • Consider offering alternative assignments that do not involve visual ability when possible.
  • Use specific terms and descriptions of information and avoid using abbreviations.
  • Allow the use of guide dogs and service animals that may be needed to assist the student. A guide dog is an authorized working animal specially trained to assist students in a public environment. Please avoid touching or petting the dog unless the student gives permission

FAQ - Students With Different Abilities

Do I have the right to know what type of disability a student has when they ask for an accommodation?

No. From a legal standpoint, you are only required to know the appropriate accommodations arranged with the CAS Office. Students may volunteer to inform you of their disability but to inquire is inappropriate. The confidential accommodation letter will outline the services that the student is eligible to receive. For example, you should know that a student may need special classroom arrangements and/or is allowed to use adaptive technology. Faculty is not privileged to know, without the student’s written consent, how the student became disabled and the exact diagnosis. Please do not ask students to share information about their disability.

Can I disagree with the academic accommodations that are requested?

Yes. There may be situations when you disagree or have questions or concerns about the appropriateness of an accommodation that is requested. Please contact the CAS Office and discuss the accommodation with the CAS Advisor. Faculty members may not ban tape recorders, interpreters, or auxiliary aids as accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Faculty may not grade a student’s assignments or exams differently as a result of an accommodation. If there is a specific problem with a note taker, reader, scribe, interpreter, or testing arrangement, please contact the CAS office for assistance.

Am I required to provide accommodations to a student who does not present a letter from the CAS Office?

No. Faculty are not required to provide certain accommodations to students who do not present a confidential letter from the CAS Office. It is not appropriate for faculty to list a statement on their course syllabus inviting students with disabilities to self‐identify and to make arrangements to meet with them confidentially during their designated office hours to discuss their disability. If a student is having difficulty in class and has not self‐identified a disability, then it is helpful to inform them of the college resources, such as the Academic Support Center, Writing Center and/or Counseling & Accessibility Services, etc. Faculty may suggest but may not require students to seek support services, nor can faculty ask students if they have a disability.

Do I need to make allowances for extended time on assignments and exams? How much time is appropriate?

Yes. Extended time means that a student is allowed additional time to complete an exam or assignment without being academically penalized or having points deducted. The student should request this accommodation in advance with the CAS Advisor, and faculty should discuss and agree on the amount of reasonable time needed to complete the exam or assignment. Instructors should consider that the extra time being requested is not an excuse, but is to minimize the impact of the disability. Instructors may call the CAS Advisor for assistance.

Communication Suggestions

Students with disabilities are not “different” from any other student; they are just people who happen to have a disability.

  • Whenever possible, it is recommended that faculty communicate by speaking directly to the student or the CAS Advisor and not to their companion or parent.
  • Do not shout. Talk to the student using “Person first language.”
  • Remember, it is not appropriate to ask a student how he/she became disabled. In some cases, the student may choose to share that confidential information voluntarily.
Appropriate to Say Not Appropriate to Say
Person with a disability Handicapped or Retardation
Person who is deaf or hard of hearing Deaf Mute or Dumb
Person who has a learning disability Abnormal or Uneducated
Person who uses a wheelchair Confined or wheelchair bound
Person who has a mobility disability Lame or crippled 


Rights & Responsibilities For Accommodating Students With Different Abilities

(a) Counseling and Accessibility Services Office & College Responsibilities
  • To respond to disabled students requests for reasonable accommodations.
  • To provide information to interested students about the College services available.
  • To advise college staff of architectural and structural barriers that restrict access.
  • To provide equal access to college program and activities.
  • To maintain compliance with federal and state ADA regulations.
  • To publish an internal grievance procedure and college policies.
  • To determine on an individual case‐by‐case basis, appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
  • To provide auxiliary learning aides for those disabled students who require them.
  • To serve as a liaison and advocate between faculty and students, when necessary.
  • To assist students to become independent and self-sufficient.
  • To offer adaptive equipment that allows a student to participate in college programs.
  • To assist students with achieving their academic and career goals.
(b) Faculty Responsibilities
  • To provide and allow reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
  • To discuss accommodations questions, problems, and concerns with the CAS Office staff.
  • To speak directly with the CAS Advisor about specific accommodations concerns.
  • To maintain student confidentiality and privacy at all times.
  • To respond to CAS Office student progress reports and office meeting requests in a timely manner.
  • To assist the CAS staff in locating potential note takers, readers, or scribes by making class announcements or direct interested students to the CAS office.
  • To comply with the CAS Office testing procedures and deliver and pick‐up exams to the CAS Office in a timely manner.
(c) Faculty Rights
  • Faculty have the right to identify and establish the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary for success in their course, classroom or lab.
  • Faculty have the right to evaluate students based on established course objectives and expectations as outlined in their course syllabus.
  • Faculty have the right to maintain an academic setting that does not obstruct their ability to teach or the ability of students to learn.
(d) Student Rights
  • Students have the right to equal opportunity/access to college programs and services.
  • Students have the right to request or decline reasonable accommodations.
  • Students have the right to decline to self‐identify a disability.
  • Students have the right to file a grievance about faculty with college officials.
  • Student have the right to be treated as other students without regard to their disability.
  • Students have the right to expect that their accommodations remain confidential.
(e) Student Responsibilities
  • To provide requested documentation of a disability to the CAS Advisor prior to receiving accommodations.
  • To meet with a CAS Advisor each semester to arrange accommodations prior to attending classes.
  • To hand deliver and present confidential accommodation letters directly to faculty in a confidential setting.
  • To take personal responsibility for learning the course material and communicating with faculty and the CAS Advisor about any problems regarding accommodations.
  • To communicate directly with faculty and the CAS Advisor about alternative testing arrangements prior to taking exams in the CAS Office.