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Falcon Self-Service - Faculty and Staff

This is an info-guide created for the Faculty Center Located in the Falcon Self Service area.

Reviewing Assigned Delegate

Follow these steps to view the delegate a student has assigned to view their information.

  1. Visit My.DaytonaState.Edu. Select the Falcon Self-Service tile and login.

    Daytona State Springboard with Falcon Self-Service tile highlighted
  2. On the Instructor Homepage, select the Faculty Center tile.

    Instructor Homepage with faculty center tile.
  3. Select Review Shared Information from the menu on the left. Enter the student ID number. Then select Search.

    Faculty center screen with "reviewed shared information" selected
  4. If the student has assigned a Delegate, the name and list of permissions will populate.

    Delegate information
  5. If the student has not assigned a Delegate, the message, "No current delegate access found" will populate.

    No current delegate access found