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Falcon Self-Service - Faculty and Staff

This is an info-guide created for the Faculty Center Located in the Falcon Self Service area.

Reviewing and Rating Candidates

How to - Review Candidate Pool

Please go here for a video overview of this information.

Once a candidate has been referred and sent forward for committee review, your HR Rep will send you an email that there are candidates pending review in the Online Hiring Center (OHC). Committee members can login using SSO.

Once logged in, you will see the position that needs review under Tasks:

To review the candidate pool, click on the position title. Here, you’ll have access to view all candidates currently waiting at this step as well as the rating score and passing score information.

To review a specific candidate, click on their name

Once selected, the candidate’s completed application including answers to agency-wide questions and e-reference information will appear.

E-References are a digital survey that will be pushed out by the HR Rep when a candidate is recommended for hire.

Once you have completed reviewing the information here, you can rate the candidate by selecting which star level you feel the candidate most closely relates to before adding a brief comment to support this rating.

Summarizing and Rating Interviews

How to - Digital Interview Comment Form

Please go here for a video overview of this information.

If you will be utilizing NEOED’s digital interview review feature, committee members will login using SSO to complete their interview ratings. Once logged in, you’ll have an interview task.

Once you select the position title, you’ll be redirected to a screen where you’ll see all of the candidates included in the interview process and awaiting your review. You can see the total number of candidates, or you can filter for only the candidate(s) you haven’t reviewed yet by selecting the middle red box labeled “Unreviewed.”

To review the candidate, select their name.

Once you’ve selected a candidate, a flyout will appear where you can review their application and resume again, if needed.

On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the interview questions, a star rating scale, and a comment box. As a committee member, you’ll be expected to rate the candidate’s response to each question, on a scale of 1-5, as well as provide a comment summarizing their answer to the question and supporting your rating of the candidate’s answer; similar to what you do now on paper comment forms.

At the end, there will be an Overall Comments box. This is where you will summarize the candidate as a whole and explain whether or not you would like to recommend them for hire. Once this is complete, you may select Submit.