Check out the resources throughout this page on how to create and grade various types of Video Assignments, including:
After following the instructions on creating a Video Assignment, you must add the Video Assignment to your Content either in an existing or new module using the "Existing Activities" button and selecting the Video Assignments.
There are many advanced settings and features offered by the Video Assignment tool to customize the experience. For the settings shared among multiple Video Assignment types, please see the resources below. A few Video Assignment types have specific advanced settings that are provided in the sections throughout this page if applicable.
Individual Project overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
How to Set Up Individual Project from Bongo on Vimeo.
Group Project overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
Question & Answer overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
Interactive Video overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
Within the Video Assignment tool, you will access the Gradebook to assess student work (please review the resources below for more details). This grade item will automatically be created and synced with the Falcon Online Grades after the first student has been assessed from within the Video Assignment tool.
Important Note: When grading with Rubric, you may see a discrepancy between the grade in Bongo, and your LMS grade book with some grades. In Bongo, we calculate the grade to a percent. Since LTI specifications only allow for two places when sending the grade, we send only the value to the left of the decimal, and drop anything to the right. (Source: Bongo Knowledgebase - Grade with a Rubric)
Instructor Feedback Preview from Bongo on Vimeo.
Feedback workflows overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
Auto Analysis overview video from Bongo on Vimeo.
Please be aware of the steps necessary to ensure your Video Assignment projects are active when you copy them over to another course shell.
If you choose the option 'Copy All Components', then there are only a few steps needed to complete the setup process. The following video tutorial goes through the specific steps.
If you choose the option 'Select Components', then there are several steps needed to complete the setup process. The following video tutorial goes through the specific steps if you are only copying specific Video Assignment projects.
If you have questions about copying Video Assignment projects, please contact the Faculty Innovation Center at: