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Academic Integrity @ DSC

academic integrity

Daytona State College is committed to providing students with quality instruction, guidance and opportunities for academic and career success by fostering academic excellence in a supportive and personalized learning environment. Maintaining high standards of academic honesty and integrity in higher education is a shared responsibility and an excellent foundation for assisting you in making honorable and ethical contributions to the profession for which you are preparing. In order to preserve academic excellence and integrity, the college prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism.

If you are unsure about plagiarism in your writing, a Writing Center tutor can help too. 


Forms of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is defined as, but not limited to, receiving or giving unauthorized assistance on a quiz, test, exam, paper or project, or unauthorized use of materials; collaborating with another person(s) without authorization on a quiz, test, exam, paper or project; taking a quiz, test or exam for someone else, or allowing someone else to do the same for you.

Cheating: Defined as receiving or giving unau­thorized assistance on a quiz, test, exam, paper or project or unauthor­ized use of materials to complete such; collaborating with another person(s) without authorization on a quiz, test, exam, paper or project; or taking a quiz, test or exam for some­one else or allowing someone else to do the same for you.

Plagiarism: Submitting work in which words, facts or ideas from another source are used without acknowledg­ing that the material is borrowed, whether from a published or unpub­lished source. For specific instruc­tions on how to document informa­tion from other sources, students should check with their instructors, academic departments or the Stu­dent Academic Support Center for reference.

Self-plagiarism:  When students think of plagiarism, they often describe it as “borrowing” another writer’s ideas or words without giving proper credit. In fact, according to popular definitions, these students would be correct. However, recently the idea that students can plagiarize themselves has surfaced. When students turn in the same assignment for two different classes, they are self-plagiarizing. This rule also applies to sections of an assignment. Not only does “repurposing” assignments deny students the opportunity to learn, but also it is not fair according to the college’s standards. Turning in the same assignment for two separate classes means receiving credit TWICE for a single effort. Because of this, self-plagiarism is coined “double-dipping,” which leads to a devaluation of grades and therefore, a devaluation of the college. Daytona State College prohibits self-plagiarism.

Online:  Online academic integrity violations can be defined as: sharing your Falcon Online password, working on an assignment with someone else when it is supposed to be done on your own, looking at someone else’s work while taking a quiz or exam, using a cell phone to share quiz or exam information, revising a paper that was found on the Internet, or submitting a paper purchased from a website.  

Fabrication: Listing sources in a bibliography that one did not actually use in a written assignment, or presenting false, invented or fictitious data/in­formation in a written assignment.

Other Academic Misconduct: Other academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • In a testing situation, conduct, such as, looking at a classmate’s test, talking to a classmate or leaving the classroom without the instructor’s or test proctor’s permis­sion, using cell phones or text messages.
  • Obtaining by theft/purchase OR selling/giving part or all of a test.
  • Altering or attempting to alter academic records of the College which relate to grades; being an accessory to same.
  • Use of unauthorized materials or electronic devices during testing in any of the college Assessment Centers or College approved off-campus testing locations.
  • Violation of copyright laws and/or unapproved use of intellectual property.

Honor Code

As members of the Daytona State College community, students are expected to be honest and respectful in all of their College activities.

  1. Students are expected to show respect in all their written and verbal communications and behaviors towards each other and towards all College personnel.
    1. Students should not harass others either by physical, verbal, or non-verbal behavior because of a person’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, veterans’ status, sexual orientation or marital status or any other basis prohibited by law or College policy.
    2. Students should not intentionally disrupt or obstruct any College activities because such behavior infringes on others’ rights to participate in College instruction and activities.
  2. Students are expected to respect and protect the identity and personal information of others.
  3.  Students are expected to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty.
    1. Cheating on examinations, course assignments or projects, plagiarism, misrepresentation and the unauthorized possession of examination or course-related materials are prohibited.
    2. Any student who shares his or her work for the purpose of cheating on class assignments or tests or who helps another to cheat or plagiarize commits an act of academic dishonesty.
  4. Students are expected to submit academic work that is the result of their own thought, research or self-expression.
    1. When students borrow ideas, wording or organization from another source or from their own previous work, they acknowledge that work in an appropriate manner.
    2. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is unacceptable to the College community.
  5. Students are expected to use College equipment and software ethically and lawfully.
  6. Students are expected never to intentionally commit or to help another to commit any illegal offense(s) or offense(s) that violates College policies or procedures.