To create a reference for a print book, use the following format, keeping in mind that not all references will contain all of this information. If you are citing a whole book, and not a chapter out of a book, skip the first two steps and start with the author's name.
Chapter author name(s): last name, first initial, and middle initial. Put a period. Separate multiple authors with commas.
Chapter title: capitalize the first letter and proper nouns, everything else is lowercase. Put a period. Follow with the word In and colon.
Author or editor name(s): last name, first initial, middle initial. Separate with commas, end with comma, ed or eds. Follow with period.
Title of book: italicized with all important words capitalized. Follow with period.
Volume number and title: Vol and number, followed by period.
Edition number: as in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, followed with ed and period. Do not include if first edition.
Publication place: city and state or country name. Follow with colon.
Publisher name: name followed with semicolon.
Copyright year: follow with a period. If including page numbers, use a colon.
Page numbers: put these next to the colon without a space. Use a dash for a range of pages. Follow with a period.
Example of a chapter citation:
1. Buss DM. Evolutionary psychology: the new science of the mind. In: Boyd B, Carroll J, Gottschall J, eds. Evolution, Literature, and Film. 5th ed. New York, NY: Routledge; 2010:21-37.
Example of a whole book citation:
2. Aliyeva GD. Rapid Response Situations: Management in Adult and Geriatric Hospitalist Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022.
Use this format for online books and books on CD-ROMS. These steps are the same as the steps for print books except for the additions of the URL and date accessed. Keep in mind that your source may not include all of these steps.
Chapter author name(s): last name, first initial, and middle initial. Put a period. Separate multiple authors with commas.
Chapter title: capitalize the first letter and proper nouns, everything else lower case. Put a period. Follow with the word In and colon.
Editor name(s): last name, first initial, middle initial, followed by comma, ed or eds, follow with a period.
Title of book: italicized with all important words capitalized, followed by period.
Edition number: as in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, followed with ed and period. Do not include if first edition.
Publisher name: name followed with semicolon.
Copyright year: follow with a period. If including page numbers, use a colon.
Page numbers: put these next to the colon without a space. Put a period.
URL: copy and past the link. Put a period.
Date Accessed: type Accessed. Type the date: Month, day, year. Follow with a period.
3. Poe SS, Brown SW, Verillo SC. Critical thinking and evidence-based practice. In: Dang D, Dearholt SL, eds. John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines. 3rd ed. Sigma Theta Tau International; 2018:15-31. Accessed October 15, 2021.