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Falcon Self-Service for Students

This guide will demonstrate how to use the various functions of the MyDaytonaState Student Falcon Self-Service portal.

Access Falcon Self-Service

  1. Go to the MyDaytonaState portal and select Falcon Self-Service.

    My Daytona State Homepage with the Falcon Self Service Tile highlighted
  2. You will be prompted for your Daytona State login information.

    Daytona State Login page

FERPA Restrictions

  1. Expand the My Profile menu and select General Information. Then select the Go to FERPA Restrictions link.

    General Info screen with the FERPA Restrictions button highlighted
  2. To restrict your directory information from being released, including all publications such as the Commencement book, select Edit.

    FERPA restrictions screen with Edit button highlighted
  3. Select Restrict All. If you would like to have your name released to our Commencement book, expand Release for publications. Then select/check Commencement Program and select Save.

    FERPA Restrictions screen with Restrict all selected and commencement program highlighted

Directory Information

Directory information can be released to the public without the student's consent following specific request procedures. Directory information will not be released if the student has requested their information be kept confidential (steps 2 and 3 above). At any time the student can request their records remain confidential by logging in to their student portal (steps 2 and 3 above). 

The Daytona State College directory information includes:

  1. Student's name
  2. Major and fields of study
  3. Dates of attendance
  4. Degrees, honors, and awards received

The college reserves the right to provide additional information, such as street address and telephone number, where there is a signed articulation agreement with another postsecondary institution for the purposes of recruiting students, and in cases that are superseded by the Solomon Amendment giving military recruiters access to student recruiting information. Any other information is considered to be personally identifiable information and cannot be released to a third party, including parents, without the student's written consent.