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Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental instruction page

SI Purpose

What is Supplemental Instruction (SI)?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions featuring peer content experts leading students through difficult course content outside of the classroom. The SI program targets only historically difficult courses, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Calculus, and American Sign Language.

At each SI session, students will be guided through course material by an individual who has both taken the course and been selected by the professor. SI leaders work closely with professors to make sure sessions are informative, engaging, and interactive.

image of student and tutor working at white board

SI Video

(SI) Current Courses

Courses Supported Spring 2025

Anatomy & Physiology I (BSC1085)
Anatomy & Physiology II (BSC1086)
General Biology II (BSC1011)
General Chemistry II (CHM1046)
Physics with Calculus I (PHY2048)
Calculus I (MAC2311)
College Algebra (MAC1105)
Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033)
Principles of Financial Accounting (ACG2021)
American Sign Language I (ASL2140)
American Sign Language II (ASL2150)
Elementary Spanish I (SPN1120)
Elementary Spanish II (SPN1121)