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Faculty Senate

Award Descriptions and Procedure

Faculty Senate Awards Procedure

Each April, the Faculty Senate Nominating, Elections and Awards Committee seeks nominations for award recipients. Award recipients are then selected through a faculty-wide vote that is completed by the last faculty duty day in May. Awards are presented to recipients during Fall Planning in August.

Faculty Senate Awards Descriptions

Faculty Advocacy Award

This award is for a faculty member who has gone the extra mile in terms of faculty issues. This award recognizes those efforts that demonstrate commitment to faculty issues and the desire to foster a professional, ethical environment conducive to high morale and professional excellence. These efforts may be evident in, but are not necessarily limited to the following: attendance at college wide meetings, service on committees as a representative of the faculty, and/or service as public spokesperson to community groups, educational groups, administrative groups, or legislative groups on issues relevant to faculty concerns.

Dr. James R. Johnson Teaching Excellence Award

This award recognizes a faculty member whose teaching activities are characterized by exceptional dedication and professionalism. This award seeks to recognize those efforts that demonstrate an understanding and concern for students as they seek to better themselves through education. These efforts will by their nature be varied and creative; however, they may be evident in, but are not limited to, the following: masterful understanding of the discipline, innovative teaching strategies, commitment to high academic standards, and an effective interpersonal, professional relationship with students.

Les Simons Student Advocacy Award

This award is for a faculty member whose activities demonstrate an exceptional commitment to student learning and success. This award recognizes those efforts outside of the classroom that are taken by an individual on behalf of a student's or group of students' success. Generally, this award seeks to honor those efforts that demonstrate an understanding of the many challenges students face as they seek to better themselves through education. These efforts will be as varied as the needs of the individual student or group of students; however, they may be evident in, but are not necessarily limited to the following: advising student organizations or clubs, identifying specific challenges or needs peculiar to a student or group of students and working to meet those needs, mentoring a student or group of students, creating a program or activity to ensure student success that has proven effective.

Dr. John Guthrie, Jr. Award for Research and Professional Development

This award recognizes a faculty member with outstanding achievement in the areas of research or professional development. This award recognizes those scholarly efforts that contribute to and/or build upon the body of knowledge within an academic discipline. These efforts may take the form of, but are not necessarily limited to the following: a recently earned doctorate or Master of Fine Arts degree, publications of textbooks, publications of articles in journals, and/or presentations at state and national conferences.

Instructional Support Award

This award recognizes a career employee or administrator whose actions demonstrate exceptional responsiveness to faculty needs. This award recognizes those efforts that demonstrate an understanding and concern for the challenges faced by faculty as they strive to meet the complex educational needs of both the institution and the students. These efforts will be demonstrated in a variety of ways as demanded by the individual circumstances. Generally, the award seeks to recognize those efforts that seek to solve problems, mediate the impersonality of bureaucracy, and enhance or ensure morale.

Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award

This award recognizes an adjunct faculty member whose activities demonstrate an exceptional commitment to classroom responsibilities and contributions to his/her department or the Daytona State College community. This award recognizes those efforts that demonstrate commitment to academic excellence and the desire to uphold the standards of the profession. These efforts may be evident in, but are not necessarily limited to the following: attendance at department meetings and training opportunities, application of excellent and/or innovative teaching strategies, and availability to students outside of class hours.

Community Service and Outreach Award

This award recognizes a faculty member or faculty committee that demonstrates exceptional service and outreach to the local community.  This award recognizes those efforts that demonstrate an understanding and concern for community service and outreach by faculty while meeting varied educational needs of both the institution and the students. These efforts will be demonstrated in a variety of ways related to individual circumstances. Generally, the award seeks to recognize those efforts that seek to enrich the community and promote DSC as an active contributor to and member of the local community.