To succeed in your course, it's important to have reliable internet access and basic computer skills. If you're not yet comfortable using a computer, don't worry! The college offers guidance to help you get up to speed. It's best to take advantage of these resources before starting a course so you can focus on learning the course material and not learning how to use a computer.
Faculty are experts in their subjects, but not necessarily in technology. As an online student, you might need to troubleshoot some tech issues on your own or contact the IT Help Desk for assistance. Since tech support isn't available 24/7, it's a good idea to be proactive and prepared to handle some technical problems yourself. If you run into issues, don't hesitate to reach out for help!
As a student, you should have a backup plan in case you encounter technology problems with your primary computer. Computer or internet problems on the student's end are not usually taken as a valid excuse for late or missed work. The college offers free loaner laptops that you can check out for an entire semester. Email: Enrollment@DaytonaState.Edu if you need to borrow a laptop.
The college also has free computer labs on every campus.
If you don't already have Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can download Microsoft Office 365, free of charge! These tools will be used in your online classes. Run a System Check to see if your computer and browser can run all of the functions needed for Falcon Online.
Online faculty are experts in their subjects, but not necessarily in technology. As an online student, you might need to troubleshoot some tech issues on your own or contact the IT Help Desk for assistance. Since tech support isn't available 24/7, it's a good idea to be proactive and prepared to handle some technical problems yourself. If you run into issues, don't hesitate to reach out for help!
While DSC has multiple resources to assist you, as a student, you should attempt to troubleshoot problems prior to contacting your instructor and/or the Help Desk. Did you check your browser? Are you looking in the correct location for a file? Did you check the start and end dates for a particular assignment? Are there tutorials or 'How To' files available? Critical thinking and independent troubleshooting are key skills to have when taking any course.
By staying proactive and utilizing the resources available to you, you can avoid technical challenges and focus on what matters most—your learning. Remember, help is always available, but being prepared and troubleshooting on your own will set you up for a smoother and more successful experience.