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Entrepreneurial Resource Center

DSC EMO Initiative Student Spot

Visionary - Entrepreneur - Valuable Employee

Valuable Employee

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Opportunity (EMO)

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Opportunity (EMO) is an initiative that broadens one’s perspective related to entrepreneurship. EMO offers a learning structure that challenges the way we think about our skills, talents, and abilities as we continue along personal and professional empowerment pathways.

Local employers are eager to hire students who think like entrepreneurs as they bring value to the work environment. Individuals who develop an entrepreneurial mindset differentiate themselves from others. Entrepreneurial mindset thinkers have a clear pathway to running and owning a business.

The EMO curriculum is based on the experiences and strategies of an unlikely entrepreneur as told in the signature text used for the program: “Who Owns the Ice-House”?

Classes are taught by DSC faculty who are certified by the Entrepreneurial Learning Institute to facilitate instruction.

Ice House content can be found integrated within many courses taught at DSC.

Ice House curriculum can be accessed online. That learning modality is delivered by instructional support and guidance facilitated by the support team of the ERC.

Classes are highly engaging and combine face to face interactions with fast paced hybrid and online components.

The instructional experience is enhanced by workshops, seminars, and mentoring opportunities with high profile entrepreneurs. These professionals share life lessons and provide insight relative to the topics addressed in the study modules.