Our rules, policies and procedures are researched-based and enforced to optimize student support and success.
General Rules:
All Writing Center staff is trained, qualified, and eager to assist you.
We encourage writers to work with multiple tutors to get different audiences and perspectives.
The Writing Center is an all-inclusive space. We want people to feel empowered to use it educationally and creatively. There are places to write, work in groups, draw, game, and relax.
We ask that you please respect the staff, the space, and those around you.
Due to the unique space and services we offer, we do not allow children or food in the Writing Center.
Anyone who abuses the scheduling system or our policies will be no longer eligible for our services.
Students at Daytona State College can use the Writing Center's services at any campus.
Daytona State College faculty and staff are entitled to use these services as well.
A student ID number must be provided to make the appointment.
No-Show and Cancellation Policy
Students who will be late or want to cancel an appointment should call us at (386) 506-3297.
We reserve the right to give an appointment to someone else if a scheduled student doesn't show up in the first 10 minutes of his or her scheduled time.
After missing three appointments without contacting the writing center, students are prohibited from booking further appointments for the current term, and any appointments will be canceled. These students may, however, still use the Writing Center on a walk-in basis (if available).
Writing that is brought into the Writing Center is assumed to be the work of the student providing it. If there are concerns with plagiarism, our staff members will do their best to explain how to write with accountability, but we are not responsible for any plagiarized work students hand in for their courses.