Falcon Online now has its own online meeting space called the Virtual Classroom. Your instructor might use this space to meet with an entire class, a small group, or just you individually. They also might hold "Virtual Office Hours" using this tool. Below are the basic steps for accessing the Virtual Classroom.
From the navigation bar in your course shell, click on Tools and then scroll down and click on Virtual Classroom.
You will see any current or upcoming meetings under Active Meetings. There also may be some Recorded Meetings that you can view. Click on the dots next to the meeting you want to join and then click Launch.
You will be taken to the "Lobby" where you can wait for your meeting to begin. You will not be able to join a meeting until it has begun. When it's time for the meeting, click on Enter Meeting Room.
The system will ask you how you would like to join the meeting, as just a listener (you can still use the chat feature) or using a microphone (and camera if available).
You will have a chance to test your microphone before you join the meeting.
You are now in the Virtual Classroom! For more instructions You can access the Bongo website at https://bongolearn.zendesk.com/hc/en-us.