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Welcome to the Economics InfoGuide

Welcome to the Economics InfoGuide. Here you will find information and resources from the Daytona State College library to help you locate Economics information. Explore the side tabs and if you need more help, please contact one of your Daytona State College librarians!


Economics is the dynamic and all-encompassing social science that unravels the mysteries of how individuals, societies, and nations allocate their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. It is the study of human behavior in the realm of scarcity, exploring how individuals and societies make decisions about what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

At its core, economics delves into the fundamental questions that shape our world: Why do people make the choices they do? How do markets function to exchange goods and services? What are the implications of government policies on the economy? How do we measure and manage economic well-being and growth? These are just a few of the profound inquiries that economists dedicate their careers to answering.

Economics is not just a field of study; it's a lens through which we can view the complexities of our daily lives and the global community. It touches upon a broad spectrum of human activities, from the decisions we make as consumers and producers to the policies that shape our economic landscape, from the dynamics of supply and demand to the intricacies of international trade and finance.

In our exploration of economics, we will journey through the various branches of the discipline, including microeconomics (which examines individual and firm-level decisions) and macroeconomics (which studies the broader economy and its overall performance). We will delve into topics like market competition, resource allocation, inflation, unemployment, taxation, and economic growth.

Economics isn't just a dry and abstract subject; it's a field with real-world implications that touch everyone's lives. It plays a crucial role in addressing pressing global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, and economic development. Understanding the principles of economics empowers individuals to make informed decisions, policymakers to design effective policies, and businesses to thrive in a competitive world.

Whether you are a student seeking to grasp the fundamentals of economics, a concerned citizen interested in the forces shaping our economies, or a professional navigating the complexities of business and finance, economics offers valuable insights into the choices, trade-offs, and opportunities that define our economic reality. Welcome to the illuminating realm of economics, where the study of scarcity and choice lays the foundation for understanding the dynamics of our interconnected world.

Not sure what you want to do? Check out this list of potential careers!

  • Economist: Economists study and analyze economic data and trends to provide insights into economic issues, policy, and decision-making. They work in various settings, including government, research organizations, and private industry.
  • Financial Analyst: Financial analysts evaluate financial data and investment opportunities, providing recommendations for individuals and organizations to make informed financial decisions.
  • Investment Banker: Investment bankers assist clients with financial transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings (IPOs), and capital raising.
  • Market Research Analyst: Market research analysts study market conditions, consumer behavior, and competitive trends to help companies make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.
  • Actuary: Actuaries assess and manage financial risks, particularly in the insurance and pension industries, by using statistical and mathematical models to make predictions.
  • Economic Consultant: Economic consultants provide expertise on economic matters to businesses and organizations, helping them make strategic decisions and solve economic problems.
  • Financial Planner: Financial planners help individuals and families with their financial goals, including retirement planning, investment strategies, and wealth management.
  • Data Analyst: Data analysts collect, clean, and analyze data to provide insights into economic and business-related issues, often working with large datasets.
  • Policy Analyst: Policy analysts work for government agencies, research institutions, or think tanks, evaluating public policies and proposing recommendations for improvements.
  • Management Consultant: Management consultants advise businesses on improving their efficiency, operations, and profitability by analyzing their financial and business strategies.
  • Forensic Economist: Forensic economists analyze financial data to provide expert testimony in legal cases, such as personal injury or wrongful death claims.
  • Environmental Economist: Environmental economists study the economic impact of environmental policies and resource management, addressing issues like sustainability and conservation.
  • International Trade Specialist: International trade specialists focus on global trade and commerce, analyzing trade policies, tariffs, and trade agreements, and helping companies navigate international markets.
  • Health Economist: Health economists assess the economic aspects of healthcare, including the cost-effectiveness of medical treatments and healthcare policies.
  • Urban and Regional Planner: Urban and regional planners use economic data to help develop strategies for land use, transportation, and community development.
  • Public Finance Analyst: Public finance analysts work in government agencies and organizations, managing public budgets, analyzing tax policies, and making financial recommendations.
  • Economic Journalist: Economic journalists report on economic developments and trends, providing analysis and news coverage for newspapers, magazines, television, and online media.
  • Financial Regulator: Financial regulators oversee and enforce financial laws and regulations, ensuring that financial institutions and markets operate ethically and within the law.
  • Research Economist: Research economists work in academic institutions, think tanks, or research organizations, conducting economic research and publishing findings in academic journals.
  • Development Economist: Development economists focus on issues related to economic development, poverty reduction, and international aid, often working with international organizations and NGOs.

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