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Professional Development

About the Faculty Fellows Program


The Faculty Fellows Program is a faculty designation that provides recognition of and a pathway for faculty leadership at the college through various peer-to-peer professional development programs. Currently, Faculty Fellows can earn credentials through the Faculty Innovation Center, the WAC/WID Program, the Service-Learning Professional Development Program, and now through the Faculty Development Program for Inclusive Excellence. Once credentialed, faculty are eligible to serve as peer mentors. Faculty earning program credentials will also earn professional development credit for the purposes of continuing education, continuing contract and promotion. Faculty Fellows are further eligible to earn a stipend or course release when they work as a peer mentor in the Faculty Fellows Program. All faculty interested in applying to serve as a Faculty Fellow must first get their application approved by their department chair before submitting.

Faculty Fellow in Service-Learning

Service-Learning (SL) has been identified as a high-impact pedagogical practice to increase student retention, assist students in identifying career paths, and provide pathways for students to impact their local communities. SL Faculty Fellows are committed to supporting faculty through the process of implementation of SL into their classes. Service as a Faculty Fellow in the Service-Learning (SL) Program gives faculty members the opportunity to guide and collaborate with peers to strengthen the SL practice within classrooms and across the college. 

You can download the application to serve as the Faculty Fellow in Service Learning below.

Please direct any questions regarding the Faculty Fellow in Service Learning to Sue Wheeler, Chair of the Service-Learning Committee.

Faculty Fellow in Teaching & Learning

Faculty Fellows in Teaching and Learning is a professional development opportunity and faculty designation that would complement the offering of the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices training. The Faculty Fellow in Teaching and Learning would provide faculty with peer mentorship through applying and adopting the ACUE teaching and learning principles in the face-to-face and virtual classroom to better support students' academic success. The Faculty Fellow in Teaching and Learning will work and collaborate with peer faculty members, ACUE facilitators, a Faculty Developer Instructional Designer, and other staff members within the Division of Online Studies and Department of Professional Development. This is a two-semester commitment in which the faculty member agrees to spend three hours per week working in the Faculty Innovation Center and/or meet remotely to mentor and train peer faculty while creating teaching resources for the face-to-face and online teaching environments.

You can download the application to serve as the Faculty Fellow in Teaching and Learning below.

Please direct any questions regarding the Faculty Fellows in Teaching and Learning to Dr. Cheryl Kohen, Dean, Division of Online Studies & Professional Development.

Faculty Fellow in WAC/WID

The WAC/WID Program aims to prepare and support faculty to teach writing in their disciplines, within a framework of best practices in writing studies theory and pedagogy, in order to expand the writing expectations in their courses and foster student success. Faculty Fellows are responsible for facilitating the WAC/WID program, which includes mentoring other faculty members, performing classroom observations for program participants, and facilitating the online program.

You can download the application to serve as the Faculty Fellow in WAC/WID below.

Please direct any questions regarding the Faculty Fellows in WAC/WID to Billie Jo Dunaway, Associate Director, Writing Center.