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DSC Library has over 80 databases that you may access to find full-text articles. Below are just a few databases that will help jumpstart your search. Note: Login in the SSO option using your DSC Email and Password. 

A Note About Evidence Based Research

Many databases offer Evidence-based research filtering options, but not all will. To help you find what is an Evidence-based source, we will provide a rough guide of what to look for:

A hallmark of evidence-based journal articles is the inclusion of a comprehensive review of current research related to the subject. This often takes the form of a literature review or a discussion that uses previous studies and data to inform the article’s conclusions. It is likely evidence-based if the article presents its findings in this context—building on a foundation of existing research.

Finding evidence-based research accurately requires more than just using database filters; it also involves critical appraisal of each article. Healthcare students should evaluate whether the study's design, methodology, and sources align with the principles of evidence-based research.

Ultimately, effective search strategies and thorough evaluation are key to locating and applying evidence-based research in healthcare, ensuring that your education is supported by the best possible sources available.