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Welcome to the History InfoGuide

Welcome to the History InfoGuide. Here you will find information and resources from the Daytona State College library to help you with historical research. Explore the tabs  and remember that if you need more help, please contact one of your Daytona State College librarians!


At its core, history seeks to answer profound questions about the human experience: How did ancient societies evolve and develop? What were the driving forces behind major historical events? How have cultures, ideas, and technologies spread and transformed over time? These are just a few of the intriguing inquiries that historians dedicate their lives to investigating.

History is not a mere collection of facts and dates; it is a vibrant narrative that illuminates the lives of people from diverse backgrounds, the rise and fall of empires, the impact of revolutions and innovations, and the enduring struggles for justice, equality, and freedom. It encompasses political, social, economic, cultural, and technological dimensions, weaving a rich tapestry of human existence.

In our exploration of history, we will journey through different eras and regions, from ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece to the empires of Rome and China, from the transformative events of the Renaissance and Enlightenment to the tumultuous periods of war and conflict in the 20th century. We will also examine the methods and approaches that historians use to analyze primary sources, interpret historical evidence, and construct narratives of the past.

History is not merely a window into the past; it is a guide for the present and a beacon for the future. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that societies face, helping us to understand the roots of contemporary issues and make informed decisions. It fosters a sense of identity, belonging, and continuity, reminding us of our shared human heritage and the importance of preserving our collective memory.

Whether you are a student exploring the annals of history, a history enthusiast fascinated by the tales of the past, or someone curious about the forces that have shaped our world, the study of history offers a profound and enriching journey through time. Welcome to the captivating world of history, where the past comes alive, and the threads of human experience are woven into the fabric of our understanding.

Not sure what you want to do? Check out this list of potential careers!

  • Historian: Historians conduct research, analyze historical data and sources, and write about and interpret the past, contributing to our understanding of history.

  • Archivist: Archivists manage and preserve historical documents, records, and collections, ensuring their proper storage and accessibility for researchers and the public.

  • Museum Curator: Museum curators oversee the acquisition, care, and exhibition of historical artifacts, art, and objects in museums and cultural institutions.

  • Heritage Conservationist: Heritage conservationists work to protect and preserve historical buildings, landmarks, and sites, often in collaboration with government agencies or nonprofit organizations.

  • Historian for Government Agencies: Historians can be employed by government agencies to conduct research, prepare reports, and provide historical context for policy and decision-making.

  • Historical Researcher: Historical researchers investigate specific topics or questions related to the past, often working in archives, libraries, or as freelance researchers.

  • Historic Preservation Specialist: Historic preservation specialists assess the condition of historic structures and recommend measures to maintain their integrity.

  • Genealogist: Genealogists trace family histories and genealogical records for individuals and organizations, helping people discover their ancestral roots.

  • History Professor: History professors teach history at colleges and universities, conducting research and publishing academic work in addition to educating students.

  • Secondary School History Teacher: Secondary school history teachers educate students about historical events, figures, and themes at the high school level.

  • Public Historian: Public historians engage with the broader public by curating exhibitions, leading historical tours, and working in educational or community outreach roles.

  • Historical Consultant: Historical consultants offer their expertise to businesses, government agencies, and organizations that require historical research or advice for various projects and initiatives.

  • Historical Documentary Filmmaker: Filmmakers specializing in historical documentaries create films and television programs that explore significant historical events and figures.

  • Historic Site Interpreter: Historic site interpreters provide guided tours and educational programs at historical sites, helping visitors understand the significance of the location.

  • Historical Editor or Writer: Historical editors and writers work for publishers, academic journals, or historical publications, helping to craft historical narratives and articles.

  • Cultural Resource Manager: Cultural resource managers oversee the protection and preservation of cultural resources, including archaeological sites and artifacts.

  • Historiographer: Historiographers study the history of historical writing and research, examining the evolution of historical methods and approaches.

  • Oral Historian: Oral historians collect and record personal histories and interviews with individuals who have witnessed or participated in historical events.

  • Digital Historian: Digital historians use digital tools and technology to analyze and present historical information and data in new and innovative ways.

  • Heritage Tourism Specialist: Heritage tourism specialists promote and develop tourism initiatives centered around historical sites, events, and cultural heritage.

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