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FCLE (Florida Civic Literacy Exam)

Civic Literacy in Florida

The Florida State Board of Education recently approved revisions to its civic literacy competency requirements. This Infoguide has been designed by DSC's Academic Support Center to help you prepare for the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE).


Civic Literacy Requirements at a Glance

Catalog Year Start (Effective Term)

Programs Impacted

Student Civic Literacy Requirements


Fall 2018 - Summer 2021

Associate of Arts (AA)

Pass a course (POS2041 or AMH2020) OR Pass an approved assessment:

  • AP Government and Politics
  • AP United States History
  • CLEP: American Government

Fall 2021

Associate of Arts (AA)
Bachelor's (BAS, BS, BSN)

Pass a course (POS2041 or AMH2020) AND pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam OR Pass an Approved Assessment (AP or CLEP)

Fall 2022 - Beyond

Associate of Arts (AA) 
Associate of Science (AS) 

Bachelor's (BAS, BS, BSN)

Pass POS2041 or AMH2020 (Fall 2022 or later), or AMH2010 (Fall 2024 or later) AND pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam OR Pass an Approved Assessment (AP Government and Politics: United States; AP United States History; CLEP POS2041; or CLEP AMH2010)


The Four Competency Areas

American flag in front of US Capitol Building


Competency 1

American Democracy. Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

American flag in front of US Capitol Building


Competency 2

U.S. Constitution. An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application.

American flag in front of US Capitol Building


Competency 3

Founding Documents. Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government.

American flag in front of US Capitol Building


Competency 4

Landmark Impact on Law & Society. An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.

For a more detailed look at the four competency areas, please refer to the document below: