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Library Introduction

Getting Started


noun \ˈdā-tə-ˌbās, ˈda- also ˈdä-\

: a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer)        From

In a library a database usually refers to a collection of articles from newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, or reference sources.  A database may cover a particular type of information, for example newspaper articles, or a particlar subject such as business.  We will provide you direct links to several of the most popular and useful in this guide.  Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through this guide.  Remember, if you need assistance beyond what is provided in this guide, please contact a librarian.  We are here to help you!

Which Source Should I Use?

Books and e-books may be your best source if:

  • Your topic is related to history or a historical event
  • You need biographical information about a person
  • You need background information about your topic

Articles may be your best source if:

  • Your topic concerns a current or recent event or controversy, or an existing person
  • You need the most up-to-date information available about your topic
  • You need scholarly, academic research about your topic