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Browse by Call Number

Call # Subject
QC1-197 General physics
QC221-246 Acoustics
QC501-766 Electricity and magnetism
QC801-809 Geophysics

How to Renew Your Books Online

You can keep your books checked out for two weeks, and renew them once.  To renew online:

  1. Go to the DSC Library Homepage
  2. Click on "Account  "
  3. Log in selecting the SSO option and use your DSC email and Password to login.
  4. Click on "Loans" in the list of options.
  5. You will see a list of your loaned books. Click "Renew" at the left of each book you want to renew.
  6. This will NOT WORK on the day the book is due. You'll have to come in to renew in that case.
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